Wild Earth Landscapes - Eden Beach Project

Wild Earth Landscapes are a Perth based landscape company, they are passionate about their work and have been serving the Perth metro region for the past 14 years. We had the privilege of capturing one of their recent projects for a beach club in Eden Beach, north of Perth. They sought us out as they were after some video production to showcase the scale and uniqueness of this project. With over 300 or so plants ranging from large succulents to huge dragon trees and frangipanis, there was quite a lot of variety to show off.

Wild Earth took care of their side of things and as the videographer on this project it was our job to come up with a cool idea of showcasing it, we decided to film before starting work, during the project itself and afterwards. In doing so our aim was to film each section that they were working on and to reveal it with similar composed shots as the job unfolded. We did this by using masks over the similar shots and composing them to make the effect of seem-less transitions.

We used aerial imagery to set the scene as the beach club is perched just above the coast line in Eden Beach, the first ‘before’ shots were done during the early hours of the morning to produce the best light. We also used the drone for a lot of the before and after shots.

The shots of the crew from Wild Earth and the close ups of the plants were filmed at 125 frames per second, this helps slow down the viewer and take in what they are seeing.

The logo animation was a last minute decision, we think it is the icing on the cake for this video and Wild Earth is now able to use this animated logo on any future videos they may work on.

We’re super happy with how the video came out, the before and after reveals worked just how we imagined. Wild Earth showcased this production to their Perth audience via Instagram, Facebook and also their Website, they now have a quick and easy way to showcase to potential future clients what they are capable of and the size of work they are able to take on, what better way than with a well polished 60 second video. At Offshoot Content part of our as-standard package is video and photography that is tailored specifically for use on social media and websites.

Here is an image of the impressive building before work was started on the landscaping. We can’t wait to see this place open, it will be such a great addition to the ever expanding coast-line population north of Perth.


Big thanks to everyone involved in the project:

Matthew Bettinaglio